Hands-on workshop for beginners and advanced users of the ALF package
15-19 Jul 2024 Würzburg (Germany)

Program and Recordings


ALF Workshop 2024



  • Peter Lunts (Harvard University)
    Hybrid Monte Carlo with autotuning for condensed matter theories

    Recordings: 1st part, 2nd part
  • Shiwei Zhang (CCQ, Flatiron Institute, Simons Foundation)
    Quantum Monte Carlo beyond sign-problem-free systems
    Recordings: 1st part, 2nd part
  • Masafumi Fukuma (Kyoto University)
    Lefschetz thimbles

Zoom Link & Discord

Please use the following Zoom link, if you are participating online and also for the online only pre-event:

Theme: ALF Workshop 2024
Zoom-Meeting beitreten https://uni-wuerzburg.zoom-x.de/j/62857506565?pwd=Ou9bdDkbqfOp1xjx967itVylSepxvg.1

Meeting-ID: 628 5750 6565
Passwort: 499187

Über SIP beitreten: 62857506565@lej.zmeu.us
Über H.323 beitreten: (Deutschland)
Passwort: 499187
Meeting-ID: 628 5750 6565

Additionally, please join our Discord server as additional Q/A sessions will be held on the #workshop2024 channel. Note: If you are from mainland China, you might have to use a VPN service to access Discord.



 You can find slides and recordings of the talks in this git repository and in ALF's YouTube channel.


Projects for the Workgroup

We have a few suggestions for workgroup projects:


On Thursday (18.07) we will have our conference dinner at Würzburger Ratskeller. We will leave after the last event of the workshop for that day at around 18:00 Uhr (6 pm).

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